Clive Conway, the TFUK’s Chairman has done much to inspire the creation of Fighting Knife Crime London, and made valuable introductions to assist its creation.
Founded in 2007, TFUK is built on the inspiration and knowledge of South African communities who sought reconciliation rather than revenge following the overthrow of Apartheid, through the southern African concept of Ubuntu. Ubuntu encourages us to recognise our common humanity, our connectedness and inter- dependence as fellow human beings. It emphasises what we have in common.
Desmond Tutu explains it like this:
“We believe that a person is a person through another person, that my humanity is caught up, bound up, inextricably, with yours. When I dehumanise you, I inexorably dehumanise myself.“
TFUK promotes this philosophy, particularly with young people involved in gang violence and in divided communities, working with regional police forces, significant national institutions, and corporates. We help them tackle bullying, prejudices, and discrimination. We work to increase respect and appreciation of each other’s individual humanity and so empower them as individuals and groups to achieve more.
We work to prevent & resolve conflict, to help people build peaceful communities across the UK, by providing facilitation and mediation services, based on the principles of Ubuntu.
By 2023 TFUK will be a significant enabler for changing communities and the “go to” repository of evidence-based knowledge about, and source of advice on, building peaceful and harmonious communities, and be seen as experts in building more cohesive communities, conflict resolution, and associated training.