Our vision is for a borough where all young people grow up free from fearing or experiencing violence, where they are happy, succeed at school and beyond, and are supported by communities and families who together help them thrive.
Haringey’s Borough Plan sets out how we will strengthen the foundations that enable our young people to succeed, and our ambitions for:
Most young people in Haringey achieve and thrive. However, serious youth violence (SYV) is an issue that has devastating consequences for too many young people in Haringey. However, as a system have to address the complex root causes of this issue which has devastating impacts on too many young people, families and communities in the borough. The Young People at Risk Strategy is our plan to reduce and prevent serious youth violence in Haringey over the next ten years. The strategy commits to a long-term strategic approach and defines the outcomes we want to achieve over the next ten years. It also commits to priorities for the Council and partners over the next four years to focus activity that will help achieve those outcomes. These will be reviewed and refreshed in identifying the next phase of priorities.
The first phase of our activity is laid out in an accompanying Action Plan.
The strategy takes a whole systems approach, in which partners, communities, and young people themselves work collectively to support all young people on positive pathways to adulthood. This strategy builds on the deep and widespread commitment within the Borough, to create a culture which takes collective responsibility for the safety of all young people and to embed a long term, preventative and whole systems approach.
This strategy is founded on the strong evidence that vulnerability is the root cause of youth violence. Our approach seeks to nurture the protective factors that keep our young people safe and away from violent situations. It adopts a public health model, taking an evidence-based and intelligence-led approach to reducing vulnerabilities and building resilience.
This strategy focuses on achieving five outcomes:
1. Safe communities with positive things for young people to do, where there are strong role models and trust in institutions
2. Supportive and positive family environments, with low levels of family stress, good parenting; and young people able to develop strong, healthy relationships with peers and trusted adults
3. Confident, happy and resilient young people able to cope with negative experiences, setbacks, and stress
4. Young people thriving in school, with positive aspirations for the future and access to employment and training opportunities to get there
5. Young people protected from exploitation and from experience of serious youth violence.