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Do You Care and Want to Help?

FKCL is now the go-to information resource for young Londoners and all those who care for them. Young people are our future and we want them to thrive.


Our Aim

Our purpose is to address the causes and  effects of knife crime, and all forms of violence.

What We Will Do

We will provide an up-to-date news facility, a regular magazine, video resources, a research area, and a growing and highly accessible directory of organisations.   We will keep it relevant, and strive to make it the most constructive area for collaboration for anyone seeking or offering help to young people all over Greater London.

We are supported by individuals and groups from the world of youth engagement, training, mentoring, mental health support, business, sports, social mobility organisations; as well as the arts, health, research, education, policing, local and national government, and those who wish to make a difference to the lives of young people.  

Our Mission

  • To build bridges through an online meeting place for individuals and organisations engaged in changing young lives for the better in Greater London
  • To provide an online up to date directory of all major organisations engaged in helping young people, their families, victims, and all those affected by violence
  • To use our news resource and magazine, and video area to sing the praises of children and young people, as well as the organisations that support them through the same online resource
  • To combat all forms of social exclusion
  • To direct our resources towards providing fulfilment, and self-confidence, to the young of Greater London
  • To develop an informed and practical philosophy to complement the work of government and civil society, and encourage implementation
  • To harness the power of social media to these ends.

What We Ask

Let us know how we can improve the work we are doing. Let us know if you think we have done something to change a single life. That will mean so much.

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"Young Londoners are full of ambition and aspiration. We want to ensure that continues into their adult lives and that they can thrive without the challenges of exploitation and violence"


Helpline Numbers

Family Lives

0808 800 2222


0808 802 0925

Young Minds for Parents

0808 802 5544

Family Rights Group

0808 801 0366


0800 1111

Rethink Mental Illness

0300 5000 927


116 123


0800 555 111

Anxiety UK

03444 775 774


0808 800 0661

NSPCC (18 or Under)

0800 1111

Victim Support

0808 168 9111

Turning the Page: A New Chapter in Tackling Knife Crime Online

The UK’s Online Safety Act1 has an important role to play in tackling the scourge of knife crime.

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Loughborough University Students Design Anti-Knife Crime Campaigns

Over the summer, outside of term time, Graphic Design students from Loughborough University...

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The Challenge of Knife Crime and Pathways to Change

Sheffield Hallam University’s law programme has a long history of pro-bono work and innovative clinical legal...

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Latest Videos

"We welcome and share the determination and drive to end violence and look forward to working with  FightingKnifeCrime.London, to see how we can contribute most effectively to this initiative."

Lib Peck, Director, Violence Reduction Unit

Consultative Partners

View Consultative Partners

“These organisations have offered the greatest assistance and support in building this new initiative. There are many more. We recognise and applaud the inclusive and collaborative approach of all of them to changing young lives”

Bruce Houlder CB KC DL– Founder

Organisational Partners for Fighting Knife Crime

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